Hull Prep & Bow-round

The final tasks before starting the Lamination


A couple of the most rewarding steps this far, were drawing on the construction waterline and doing the bow round. Seeing the hull take shape really made it all worth it.

I started by planing off all the remaining overhanging plywood. Thu hull now had sharp edges all around. I also used a small wire brush to clean out the polyurethane glue in the screw holes on the bottom. I filled those holes and then started scraping off the excess epoxy. I then took my Mirka sander an 80 grit sandpaper to the hull, to sand down any of the scrapes.

Next I set up the laser and marked the CWL, this was just for me and some visual gratification. I then coated the entire hull with one coat of clear epoxy to saturate the wood. After sanding it back, again with an 80 grit sandpaper, i also did the round overs along the chines and transom.

Also while I had the laser level out, I checked the hull for symmetry along the chines, at deck level and at the transom. Everything was almost perfectly symmetrical. The transom became ever so slightly round, which is why I added an additional strip of 600g biaxial glass along the topside plank when I laminated.

The Bow round I actually had to do twice. You might already have been able to tell by some of the pictures above. The final version came from the larger template.

I read somewhere on the class globe forum that its a 100mm radius and with some creativity that worked out well for me. I took some measurements of the lines plan to estimate as to where the bow round terminates at the stem and on the bottom (from the extension of where the two lines meet).

Once I had marked the curve on either side of the hull I used my 'fine' tool to cut off most of the material and then continued with the rasp untill I met my line. After that the rest of the work was don by eye and feel.

I am very happy with the end result and other than having to do it twice, I only ran into one other problem. While cutting the bow round for the second time, I ran into a screw... not tragic but a little time consuming. Below is the final result before lammination.